Women in Construction Speakers 

Full Name
Nikki Krueger
Job Title
Director of Marketing & Business Development
Santa Fe Dehumidifiers
Speaker Bio
Nikki Krueger has been in the indoor air quality industry for over 20 years. She is a RESNET certified home energy rater, a member of the ACCA Manual Low Load Homes (LLH) Advisory Committee, and member of the Resource Efficiency and Indoor Environment Quality task group for the 2024 NGBS Standards update. She educates and trains builders, HVAC contractors, architects, engineers, crawl space contractors, and other professionals in the industry on the building science of ventilation and moisture control in buildings.
Full Name
Emily Mottram
Job Title
Mottram Architecture
Speaker Bio
Emily Mottram is an architect and principal of Mottram Architecture. She developed an interest in building science and sustainable design in college, where she was inspired to design healthy, durable and energy efficient homes that are also comfortable and beautiful. She is a building science educator, co-host on “The BS & Beer Show” (*BS = Building Science) and hosts a monthly podcast “E3 - Energy and Efficiency with Emily,” where she focuses on building science, architecture and female entrepreneurship.